Mission Statement:
The Fort Sill Apache’s Aging & Nutrition / Caregiver Program’s mission is to promote health and well-being by assisting older individuals to gain access to nutrition, disease prevention and health services to delay the onset of adverse health conditions resulting from poor nutritional health or sedentary behavior.
Program Description:
Deliver supportive services to Native American Elders and also focus on reducing hunger and food insecurity. The Fort Sill Apache ANP Program also promotes the socialization of older individuals.
Eligibility, Guidelines, and/or Requirements:
- At least 60 years of age or older
- Be enrolled in a Federally Recognized Tribe
- No Elder affiliated with a Tribe will be turned away from services
- Elders come first, and anyone who is not an elder must pay for a meal.
Service Area

Applications for the Caregiver, Home bound Meals, Congregational Meals, and Respite Care will be attached in email.
Contact Info
Will Weryackwe
Aging & Nutrition / Caregiver Program Director
P. 580-588–2298 x2266
E. Will.weryackwe@fortsillapache-nsn.gov
Tracye Martine
P. 580-588–2298 x2271